UCDA : connecting, inspiring, and supporting a creative community in education

Add Journal

Please read through everything as there are explanations to the fields and its process.

  1. Once logged in, go to admin menu and navigate to "Apps"

  2. Apps > Journal (once you click Journal the "Journal" nav item will appear after "Reports" nav item)

  3. Journal > Add Journal

  4. In the Add Journal please be sure to fill out all of the fields if applicable. Please read the following about certain fields:

    1. Thumbnail - upload the exact image size of 1140px by 615px.
      Important: thumbnail image populates as first image in the Journal detailed view, populates in the Journal list/search, and populates the Journal's rotator/slider. Please crop image at the exact suggested size.

    2. Groups - from the dropdown list select Journal in order to populate a featured journal in the Journal's rotator.

    3. Tags - manually type additional category & subcategory here if current cat/subcat don't suffice. Final results popuates in gray color.
      Important: Be sure you spell with words correclty as there is no auto correct to tags manually written out. Be sure to remove unwanted spaces or extra commas at the very end of your last tag word within the list.

    4. Category & Subcategory - select from the list. Final results populate in black. 
      Important: To add a new category & subcategory it can only be done when you add a new Journal. 

Things to Note: The fields Phone, Fax and Email will not appear but if in the future you need these fields to appear in the journal list view or journal detail view please reach out to us with a support ticket. We'd be glad to help have those fields populate again.