UCDA : connecting, inspiring, and supporting a creative community in education
Brian Yohn


Treasurer/President-Elect , UCDA Board of Directors

Phone: 540-231-6429



Virginia Tech
Assistant Director of Creative Services, Student Affairs Communications

I was born and raised in south central Pennsylvania by two hard-working parents, who ingrained a strong work ethic and the importance of an education. Wanting to get into the workforce as soon as possible, I opted to go to a two-year art school, specializing in graphic design. Since graduating in 2002, I have worked professionally in the graphic design industry, working at three different advertising agencies specializing in trade show displays, food packaging, and home builder industries, but after that, have spent a majority of my career working in higher education on in-house teams at Virginia Tech. I started in Student Affairs in 2008, moved to a new opportunity at the newly-built art center in 2012 for three years as the lone creative, then moved back to Student Affairs in 2015, where I’ve been leading the creative team ever since. 

I have also taught a few classes as an adjunct instructor within the School of Visual Arts at Virginia Tech, and aspire to do more teaching in the future. In addition to my professional practice, I have also continually serviced freelance clients’ design needs, as well as having several semi-regular side projects.

Thankfully, I was introduced to and joined UCDA soon after I came to Virginia Tech in 2008. Ever since becoming a member, the organization and its members have given me so much inspiration, sense of community, a way to recharge my creative batteries, and opportunities to continue to grow both professionally and personally. I have volunteered and served as the conference chair in 2018, and am excited to have the opportunity to make a larger impact to the supportive and creative UCDA community by being on the board. Being given the opportunity to assist others by advancing their careers within higher education and as a whole within the overarching design community means so much to me.

Outside of graphic design, I have a penchant for ephemera, european cars (especially wagons), home projects, amature woodworking, letterpress printing, and 1-inch buttons.